Export Object Properties to ASCII File

This macro allows exporting object's properties to an ASCII file. It is also possible to include extra columns to specify object name and regions.

It can be used as a replacement for the command: File > Export > Object > Export Properties to Excel, unavailable in Linux environment.

Developed by Mathieu MORISS & Humberto BOVOLENTA

524 Rating(s)
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Create a new Voxet by resampling an existing Voxet

The command used to obtain a voxet resampled from another, only allows you to create coarser resolution cubes. To the contrary, for cubes with thinner resolution, we need to do some calculation about data spacing, final desired length, etc.

This macro allows a very simple way to create a voxet with the desired resolution without doing any math. Only select the desired sampling and the new voxet is ready to use.

It has two options to create the resampled voxet:
1) Keeping the original cage geometry (data spacing might be slightly altered (ex: 49.99m 49.98m 10.05m) to fit the cage extension) or
2) Keeping the exact resolution defined by the user (the cage might be slightly cut or extended to fit the new resolution).

The user can select to copy properties from original voxet or left it blank, creating only the new voxet geometry.

Developed by Mathieu MORISS & Humberto BOVOLENTA

508 Rating(s)
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Performance Monitoring in Macros

This macro gives an example of performance monitoring for one or several commands in a macro.
While the macro run, the time and memory consumption is measured and written in a csv file, which can be used for analysis and creating graphs.

This macro uses commands available in P18p1.

Developed by Paradigm

790 Rating(s)
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Initialize Grid Regions from Facies

This macro initializes regions from Facies property on Voxets, SGrids or GeologicGrids.

Using the rock classification assigned to the facies property as a guide, the user may decide to create all regions, a single region, or a region given by an interval. Additionally, the user can choose two output formats for the region's name. The macro has been designed for SKUA-GOCAD 17 and the option to define regions from a discrete property, creating a dynamic region for each classification element is now available in SKUA-GOCAD 18.


Developed by Humberto BOVOLENTA

754 Rating(s)
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Model QC: Compare 3D grid properties average with the well logs average in the hydrocarbon zones

This macro is aimed at helping the geomodeller QC his model by generating a table reporting:

  • the logs average in the hydrocarbon bearing region
  • the 3D grid properties average in the hydrocarbon bearing region
    The geomodeller can therefore easily make sure that the 3D model captures the wells observation.


Developed by Aurore PLOUGOULEN

633 Rating(s)
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