Create Fault List by Polygon

This macro creates a list of faults (sticks or surfaces) contained in a closed polygon.

Macro variables
Object faults: Select all fault sticks, outlines or surfaces to be analyzed.
Curve polygon: Select the closed polygon.
List name: Type a name for the list.
List object type: Select PLine for sticks and outlines or Surface for fault surfaces.
Threshold: Minimum percentage of nodes for a fault to be included in the list (0-100%). Ex: As default, the threshold is 50%, i.e., if at least 50% percent of fault nodes are inside the polygon, it will be added to the list.

Developed by Humberto Bovolenta

514 Rating(s)
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Calculate Fault Capillary Entry Pressure

This macro calculates Fault Seal Analysis parameters (Juxtaposition, SGR, WSGR) and Fault Capillary Entry Pressure.

Note: The fault gridded surfaces must be created prior to running this macro: GeologicGrid command > Faults > Create Fault Property Grid.

Developed by Aurore Plougoulen

449 Rating(s)
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Transfer Properties from Nearby Grid Node or Cell "Plus"

This macro was designed to enable users to transfer more than one property simultaneously when running the "Transfer Property From Nearby Grid Node or Cell" command.

New options:

  • The user may decide to save the project after each transfer is done, after all are done, or not to save at all.
  • There is an option to automatically swap the properties from memory to disk when the transfer is done.
  • This macro doesn't overwrite existing properties

Developed by Humberto Bovolenta

373 Rating(s)
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Initialize Regions From Geologic Features

This macro creates regions defined by several geologic features.  To define a surface as a geological feature, use the 'Assign Geologic Feature' from the Tools menu.

The regions are created following the sequence defined by the user on the "Horizon Features" variable.

Developed by Humberto Bovolenta

336 Rating(s)
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Correlation Coefficient Computation

This macro computes the correlation coefficient of selected properties on a selected object.
The results are output in a file (created in the default working folder) and in a table (available in Resources).
2D crossplot pictures are added to the Results tab.

Developed by Paradigm

350 Rating(s)
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