Compute Well Roundness along Well Trajectory

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This macro builds a graphical representation of the well roundness from the  sectorial angular logs of radii Image from Density Caliper, usually 16-Sector or 60-Sector.

The roundness representation along the well trajectory is done by Curves and by Surfaces computed from the radii Image logs.

You will have to select just one log of the array <name>[i] (for example DCRA[0]).

Note: The log type must be CALIPER (unit of storage = cm).

For helping you in the QC of the well roundness, 3 properties are created for each object: Rmin/Rmax ratio, Area and Length  of the ellipsoid.

You can also limit the calculation of the well roundness inside a MD interval.

Finally in order to simplify the manipulation of these new objects in the project, the curves and the surfaces are stored in 2 different lists of objects.