Export Property Statistics

Export property statistics for each selected Object/Region/Property into an ASCII file. You can specify the separator in the file. Exported statistics are Min, Max, Mean, STD_dev, P10-P90.

Developed by Paradigm

136 Rating(s)
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Extract Fault Polygons

Extract a fault polygon from each fault surface intersecting the selected horizon surface.

Developed by Paradigm

115 Rating(s)
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Assign Random Colors

Assign random colors for features,  objects or regions. You can select individual attributes for which you want to change the color, depending on the object type.

Developed by Paradigm

116 Rating(s)
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Photos to Load

This tcl script allows you to auto load x number of core photos when the core photo is 1:1 (one core per file).

Developed by Tom Trowbridge

207 Rating(s)
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Water Saturation Sensitivity

Calculates the uncertainty range on Sw. i.e P10,P50 and P90.

Developed by Steve Cuddy

208 Rating(s)
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